matana finished watching Justice League 

before watching this, for years I have heard literally nothing good about this, everyone were saying that one should just go straight to Unlimited and skip the OG League entirely

but this is a really solid cartoon! I liked it a lot, pretty much the only downsides were that episode where JL were killing Nazis and everything about Green Lantern and his writers' main pet peeve being desperately trying to prove that he is the worthy manly man even without the ring, but this just resulted in his emerald impotence and looking like an idiot who failed in his primary mission and literally broke an indestructible ring :meru_lul:

also they predicted covid

@LukeAlmighty the lyrics are absolutely braindead retarded, too, and when they are, for me it's easy to hate a song

@LukeAlmighty it's a classic tho, do you hate numa numa too?

me, I have it easy in the department of hated songs, I hate by artists, mostly very popular and very Russian

like this shit :pepegun:

matana is watching Justice League 

that's what she said :peepoShrug:

matana is watching Justice League 

how did they get this past the censors

so, entire world's nuclear stash is not enough to bomb comfy Siberia :comfytongue:

matana completed RE: Code Veronica X 

it's shit

I played it on PS2 and actual old TV and literally couldn't see the majority of locations because some gamedev decided to be particularly sadistic back in 1998

after struggling to find a fucking door in a save room for several times I switched to the emulator with cheats enabled and even in these conditions the game was a barely visible slogfest

matana watched Joker 2 

if it was hollywood-mandated career suicide, it was a damn beautiful hollywood-mandated career suicide

I just caught myself referring to older consoles in Russian with a more outdated word for game consoles :CirnoForReals:

so that means on a technical level I use two different words to refer to Playstation 2 and 4

I know that it's super early to call in any shots and predictions, but this looks really, really good

The Boondocks aged not just as a fine wine, but as the highest grade 20 y/o Armenian cognac

I think it's the first time the series make me laugh my ass off just to instantly go full :deadInside: as soon as the credits stop rolling

the upside of a long period of not playing: I can really feel Japanese lessons paying off

I am not skilled enough yet to play Three Houses entirely in Japanese, but I've become much better in detecting the typical localizer bullshit and then deciphering what was actually there either by ear or by visiting the Three Houses datamine website

and Petra is steadily solidifying her best waifu position, too, because her thing is simplified speech of a foreigner, her speech is indeed simple, full of desu/masu! :ayaya:

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so, I return to playing Three Houses after a couple of years of... not, and the game does indeed offer very insightful political commentary

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