These "I'm above it all" leftists are even more annoying than the actual SJWs.

@igeljaeger @grips @matrix

Everyone knows Socialism was tossed in because it was a fad term.
Kind of like how neoconservatives pretend to be right wing.
@IsaacWestcott @grips @matrix they handled the economy just like a socialist would. Absolute control.
@igeljaeger @grips @matrix

Our whole left-right dichotomy is fucked. There's no way you think that the right wing has an exclusive claim to freedom and liberty.
@IsaacWestcott @matrix @igeljaeger That's what I was originally trying to point towards. As terms, "right" and "left" literally described who sat where in the French Parliament. If anything, the dichotomy is more harmful for the """right""", given how it pits the "enlightened", progressive, redistributionist left wing against literally everyone else.
@grips @matrix @igeljaeger

The left always wins, so we might as well accelerate.
They keep winning bc we do it incrementally and accomodate. Just go full throttle pedophilia, child hormone, communism and we'll have this done in a century.
@igeljaeger @grips @matrix

It's on the far end of the left.

Miscegination was, universal suffrage was, etc.
Following the trend of liberal democracy their most extreme positions will be accepted eventually, so why not just fucking do it?
@IsaacWestcott @grips @matrix we wont do anything. I doubt either of us will even go into politics. This is all jsut silly larping

@igeljaeger @grips @IsaacWestcott I would go into politics if my health allowed it. I already thought about joining a party, but I really can't pick one.

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@matrix @grips @IsaacWestcott Id rather earn money while I can rather than waste the money of other people while being "payed" to play pretend in politics
@matrix @igeljaeger @IsaacWestcott I can't pick either, let alone slap political labels on myself with confidence. Still figuring out things.

What's your health problem, if I may ask?

@grips @IsaacWestcott @igeljaeger I'm in a wheelchair, which in itself isn't a problem, but the stuff surrounding it is.

@matrix @IsaacWestcott @igeljaeger Perhaps... hard to tell without more info, but I won't pry.

And yeah, wheelchairs in themselves aren't a problem - Slovakia currently has a PM in one.
silvia shahzad.jpg

@grips @IsaacWestcott @igeljaeger Maybe once we all go all for a drink.
Yeah, socially and even access wise it isn't much of an issue.

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