@matrix self hatred based on race is prob the most laughable version of racism I've seen yet
@igeljaeger @matrix id hate myself if i were indian callcenter nigger flouride

There are some speculations, but I don't think there's enough evidence for it.

No, his mom was. She died when he was pretty young. Her doctor was jewish too, and Hitler was very grateful to him for taking good care of her on her dying days. But that still didn't stop him from taking care of 6 million Jews for some reason. The guy had issues.
That's what happens when you don't take mental health seriously. You get people that hate themselves to this extreme extent, and then they start projecting their insanity onto others.

@alyx @matrix @igeljaeger I think it's a cultural thing more than anything else. Hating white people is trendy among self-loathing 30-somethings.

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