
Comedy doesn't have to be funny.
Games don't have to have gameplay.

What's wrong with these people?

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*few years later*

Ladies and Gentlemen. Allow me to introduce:
*dramatic pause*
A game with an actual gameplay!

WOW Innovation!
@matrix Postmodernists. They belong in gas chambers. Real ones, not like Nazi Germany's.
@rasterman @matrix Collectivism, Postmodernism and Moral Relativism are the cancer and root of all evil in modern Western Society.
@TheMadPirate @matrix If you keep digging, there's a common, Abrahamic root to all of those.
@TheMadPirate @matrix Yes, but in general. Add Marxism, feminism, denialism and the three major Abrahamic religions and you can find false promise, sophism and other common themes that links them as slight variations of the same strategy.
@matrix @rasterman Yup. Originally named "Institute for Marxists Studies" later renamed as the Frankfurt School. Most notable figures : Theodore Adorno, Herbert Marcuse,Erick Frohmm, Thomas Kuhn.

@matrix What's wrong with them? Well, they follow a "social justice" ideology that lacks justice.

@alyx "Justice is an attribute of individual action. I can be just or unjust towards my fellow men. But the conception of a social justice; to expect from an impersonal process - which nobody can control - to bring about a just result is not only a meaningless conception, it's completely impossible." - F. A. Hayek

@matrix @alyx Social Justice is nothing but the application of Moral Relativism to the concept of Justice, i.e. different laws for different groups.
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