They changed the description and removed the mature rating

@orekix @matrix more like
>half of them look like mutts

kill them with fire
@orekix @matrix oops apologies for the last statement. half of them dont look like mutts, that was stupid of me.

all of them do.

These images make me hunger for some succulent, delicious, supple pizza!

@matrix Who are the parents that allow their kids to be exploited like this by a mega corporation?

@matrix >family's tradition
ah yes, trying to keep their kid safe from creeps. what a backwards tradition
@terminal @matrix more like trying to keep their kids away from slutty degeneracy

@matrix It's not like this is new, there's been stuff like Toddlers in Tiaras for ages now

@holot @matrix its not a conspiracy if we just plain know all the people in power fuck kids

@matrix But noooo liking anime automatically makes us the pedos...

Somebody burn this clown world...

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