
Imagine calling it a conspiracy theory when a literal KGB agent tasked with infiltrating the US is telling you what his job was

@matrix Oh, but "communism gaining popularity with young people" certainly doesn't have anything to do with Propaganda...
@matrix Alright... maybe it's time to put that new GPU to the test with a shiny new game about killing commie pieces of shit. I hope.
@rasterman @matrix Wait for the reviews. If it gets bad reviews attacking the game for "pandering to fascists and conspiracy-theorists", you'll know it's worth buying.
@matrix This is filled with provably wrong errors, and insulting claims. This was a defector who had provable developments into the USSR propeganda campaign.

@matrix ugh am I going to have to buy and play and enjoy a COD game for the first time in ever? I just might.

@matrix imagine being this stupid :blobcatlaugh:

> a literal communist agent saying ah shit oh fuck i regret being a communist spy
> you're all fucked aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

muh faczzmm doe
@matrix I've never had an issue with politics in video games, just screechy, stupid politics.
@terryenglish @matrix I've liked games with politics I don't entirely agree with that deal with them in a somewhat compelling way.
@ArdanianRight @terryenglish @matrix I can't come up with a single video game with politics I truly agree with. Tales of Abyss and Tales of Vesperia both have some pretty spicy takes on killing bad guys though, at least compared to Western super heroes and their obsession with keeping mass murderers alive so they can kill another day.
@ArdanianRight @terryenglish @matrix Like Deus Ex, the new one. The equal justice swill is muted because Jensen is still a Chad.
@matrix 99% of academia, the news media and pop culture spew Marxist propaganda, but one single video game dropping a purple pill is "the most extreme case of brainwashing I've ever seen".
@ChristiJunior @matrix COD's primary demographic is masculine dudebros, so they're gonna gain way more from appealing to anti-commie politics than they would with standard shitlib politics that doesn't appeal to actual men.
@ArdanianRight @matrix It's definitely an unserved market, which is why the trailer was overwhelmingly positively received, especially compared to other "political" game trailers.
@ChristiJunior @matrix How many COD fans are antifa anyways? They're not gonna be losing sales from this.
@ChristiJunior @ArdanianRight @matrix Just wait until video game companies discover the right wing! We're gonna be swimming in games about not turning into a communist tranny!
@ChristiJunior @matrix Right wing propaganda is 10,000X more effective than Marxist propaganda because it's true.

You should have heard the wailing back in 1985 when Rambo II came out.

@matrix A video of the russian guy has been voted up many times over the Trump presidency by leftie Reddit. They loved him talking about Russian subversion when they could work it into the collusion narrative.

@HiroProtagonist @matrix Because the defining trait of the subversion was apparently it being Russian, as opposed to Communist? Good grief...
@matrix lol, yeah, because every game is a recruitment drive since there's this thing in a trailer for one of them.
@matrix not to mention information warfare isn't new, but they wouldn't know, they're so deep in it they forgot.
@matrix t.chink propaganda Minister. Solzhenitsyn did nothing wrong in Japan.
@matrix what disturbs me the most is that this person says “I don’t know a single American male who hasn’t played Call of Duty...”

I’ve never played any of them, I don’t even really play video games that much. Where do I fit in with this fellow’s agenda? I think the last game I played was Vice City.

@SpudsRudeEye I think he might have used a hyperbole to emphasize how popular Call Of Duty is

@matrix @SpudsRudeEye i might have played part of the demo for the original all those years ago :blobcatthink:

but its pretty popular yes.
@matrix Oh nvm it's in the new call of duty. I feel conflicted. Because I hate activision/blizzard but i also hate woke SJW culture.
@matrix "this is a guy who literally thinks humans shouldn't be equal"

HOW CONTROVERSIAL!! :pepeshock: :pepeshock: :pepeshock: :pepeshock:
@rasterman @matrix Or maybe that humans aren't and can't be equal, so we have to make do with what we've got.
@matrix Let me guess: leftists say he was a USA asset all along.
@matrix these are the same morons who will invoke the 'ha ha conspiracy = project management drr' meme while ignoring professional spies literally blabbing.
he was working in India before he defected but yeah its the same playbook
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