@matrix We need to increase minimum wage to $20, to adjust for the rising prices.

@Galena @matrix make the minimum wage $10,000 an hour and then everyone will be a millionaire!
This headline is from The Blaze: https://www.theblaze.com/news/some-new-yorkers-arent-happy-that-15-minimum-wage-has-increased-food-prices

The article basically explains that since the minimum wage was raised an extra $2 to $15 people aren't happy. Muh prices and all.

And then there is MarketWatch: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-15-minimum-wage-was-supposed-to-hurt-new-york-city-restaurants-but-both-revenue-and-employment-are-up-2019-10-28

" Opinion: The $15 minimum wage was supposed to hurt New York City restaurants — but both revenue and employment are up "

And the article is rather positive about this change:
" Some in the restaurant industry have argued that raising menu prices will lead to fewer people dining out and, consequentially, more restaurant closures.

But this hasn’t happened.

In fact, both restaurant revenue and employment are up. The reason for this is that restaurants don’t have to raise prices very much to pay for a minimum-wage increase."

I am inclined to believe MarketWatch to be honest.
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