
Our Minister Of Health got caught drinking in a restaurant without a mask when it's him who closed restaurants and made masks mandatory

:omegalul: :omegalul: :omegalul: :omegalul: :omegalul: :omegalul:

He claims that he didn't go to a restaurant, but that he just went through the restaurant to a meeting room to a meeting with two other people and so refuses to step down.
They only have photos of him leaving the front gate, with something that looks like a wallet, but it could also be a phone case (why would you have your wallet out at that time?). The other person with whom he had the meeting left an hour later and we don't get to see the third person leaving. There's certainly enough room for his explanation. Blesk is a sensationalist newspaper after all.

But why wouldn't he just have the meeting at the Ministry since they all claim that the meeting was related to his job.

And where the fuck else would he go? I think he's lying. There's just the restaurant.

Generals never die in battle don't you know? They are supposed to give, not follow orders. :tanya_annoyed:

@matrix intensely peacefully protest and say its for george floyd

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