@matrix It seems a nice shitstorm is comming from the subverse.

Ok, they used Arch to push their first gameplay. A few SJWs got pissed off...

And these idiots did apologise... :blobfacepalm:

That pissed off most backers.

So they retracted the apology :drink:

Now, noone knows what to think about them... I was a huge fan, and Now, all of their spine is gone :kekw:

:comfypopcorn: 🍿 :blobcatpopcorn:

I didn't know about this but it should have been obvious to me that people are going to have a problem with Arch.
Oh boy it's like Ion Maiden. Absolute cluster fuck :lul:

@matrix I might be too dumb to understand, but I don't think I ever saw anything controversial from him. And I don't mean by fediverse standart, but by any standart I could measure...

Yeah, I know he's hated more then TFM for some reason, but I don't get it why...


I don't watch him because I'm not interested in 40k so I don't know, but he's friends with Sargon which is a starting point.

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