@matrix what is devotion? is it a tiannamen square game?
@matrix @pernia

I'll go ahead and post what I just posted elsewhere. Remember the Vtuber thing where Coco and someone else showed Youtube Analytics data that had Taiwan has a country and it created a shitshow?

"What's ironic about the Vtuber thing is that they completely destroyed the company presence in China and absolutely fucked themselves over. The CCP brainwashed idiots truly did not think that their actions would have bad consequences for everyone involved and that's exactly one of the many reasons as to why China is dangerous to your entertainment as the rando idiots most definitively = The CCP. When it comes to shitshows like these where the company will most definitively have to choose one consequence, and China being a massive freaking market means that YOU will most likely lose something if a clash happens as they'll have to bow down to China and their demands

We were just lucky that the Chinese Vtubers the company had apparently weren't very popular and the company just decided it wasn't worth the shitshow and stopped business there. No, really, we were very lucky it didn't end worse than that"

This is why CCP China is a threat to your entertainment (and much, much more. It seems like the US might very well have a massive reckoning about that very soon)

@coolboymew @matrix @pernia the problem is that criticism to these practices lasts a couple of days and then everyone forgets about it

@hideki @matrix @pernia because you have no fucking choice pretty much

The vast majority of people don't give a single shit and are vastly uninformed on the matter

A lot of people criticized Trump for targeting Tik Tok and stuff that are part Tencent owned when it's 100% the right move. The problem right now is that a lot of it is currently obstructed by "orange man bad"

There is literally nothing you can do until a higher power actually starts blocking the bullshit, which all hope will be lost for quite a few years if Biden gets in most likely
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