They basically admitted to everything. I love how they dressed it up for westerners.

I don't know how I feel about it. Islam is an extremist religion, but at the same time communists call everything but total obedience extremism.

@matrix suppose they were genuinely doing what they claim: removing radical islam. how would it look different?

It wouldn't but they have almost definitely rounded up and forced them into re-education camps without proof of anything.

@matrix >they have almost definitely

did you hear this from people who hate them

And? I think the drone footage is pretty substantial

@matrix drone footage of what? the facility?

Remember these are the same guys who had footage and witnesses saying there were WMD. So we know they will tell you there is cause for war when it suits them.

The same guys? Aren't you painting with a bit too large of a brush?

The footage of the Uygurs getting loaded into trains.

@matrix 1. "neoconservatives" were in power in the bush era and they are now.

2. it's just being put on a train. idgi
@matrix post the footage. if it's a good point i'll agree. just really doubt based on warmongering agenda

There are even guards in airports. Be honest, if you were deradicalizing a bunch of islamists, would you not have guards?

What do you think is more likely, that cartoon character supervillains exists or that the west is doing yet another "WMD in iran"/"gulf of tonkin"/"syrian gas baby" type propaganda attempt

@fluffy I forgot they blindfolded them too. It's not cartoon villain level. The Chinese just want an absolute control and a population with a different value system than they preach contradicts that.

@matrix looks like just a bunch of guys waiting to be put into mass transit by police

what's this about blindfolds? nothing here says that. sounds cartoonish = probably bullshit or propaganda = bullshit

@fluffy They have blindfolds on in the video

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