@matrix lol where was he served a beer? Are bars open in Illinois?

@oldsoldier @matrix As seen on the photos, he was making the sign using his LEFT hand, thus displaying not "WP" but "OW"... or whatever. This changes everything!

@matrix the ok sign has to be either the most genius or the dumbest 4chan attack to ever succeed.

Now the question is, if it can make more good, or if it will just be used for more damage...

These guys are so crazy, that even ok sign might backfire on us.

It's possible that the propaganda machine is so strong that it might steamroll even the biggest troll on the planet.

@matrix I had incorrectly posited that making basic gesticulations such as smiling into illegal "hate speech" would collapse the hate speech system as too many reasonable people would discard the whole fascistic enterprise. I seem to have underestimated the world's saturation in lynchable dipshit judges and prosecutors.
@PorkCow @matrix Kyle is not pro-white-power, he fired a warning shot past the head of the first black guy who tried to kick him, knowing within 1 millisecond that he was in no danger from a good boy just trying to get dat college degree. Unfortunately his jewdar was uncalibrated and he defended himself against three Fellow Whites who he should have rightfully allowed to beat and shoot him. Let this be a lesson to us all, if you see a mob of people pushing a burning dumpster towards a gas station, just let it happen. Those people never could touch those things before, they just want to touch them.
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