@matrix the internet only remembers our personal information, pretty much nothing else is forever on the web. Sad truth
@coyote @matrix there's a few 2007ish or earlier youtube videos that i fondly remember, but they've been deleted ages ago and they probably only exist in my memories and a few others. oh well
@cell @matrix if only we knew about youtubedl in our youths
@coyote @matrix i would have settled for keepvid which i was vaguely aware of back in the day, but i guess the mindset for data hoarding (or at least saving your favorite videos) wasn't implanted in my mind yet.
@matrix I recently wrote a script that would feed all my archived videos into youtube-dl and check if they had been deleted. Of ~15,000 videos, 1,238 had been deleted. :S
@matrix Going through my Youtube account's favourite videos, there were very many that no longer existed. But since they don't show the names, I can only imagine what they were about. :pepesad:
@matrix i need to make a habit of downloading vids to my server and watching from there

@matrix sometimes i like to search the url of the video on google to see what video was and see if someone re-uploaded it, most of them are.

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