@matrix 8ch/8kun judging by the colour scheme. Not pol nor v... 🤔

@matrix Communist-to-Nazi ratio: the more commies you have, the more Nazis will spawn out of thin air.

Same shit with feminists and men who hate them.
> @matrix favourited
I mean, why do you want people to be scared? And why do you want more sexism (of any stripe) in the world?

Because the most sexist societies on the planet also have the highest birth rates.

@matrix Do you have evidence for that claim?
And even if it is true, so what? If anything we want less new people in the world, to ease the strain on the environment.

@bypel I don't have evidence for that outside of looking at countries with high birth rates and their cultural and religious practices. However it isn't that simple as birthrates are effected by number of things, poverty being a significant one.

Tell that to the people and places having lots of kids. :peepoShrug:

@bypel @matrix because women who have total freedom withhold access to reproduction and exchange it for goods and services
@COOL_FREE_RINGTONES @matrix Liberty is one of the highest goods. Even if it means people are free to do things that you personally disapprove of.
@bypel @COOL_FREE_RINGTONES @matrix imagine thinking freedom (self gratification) is the ultimate goal and value in life. Nothing bad and possibly civilization destroying can emerge from excessive personal freedom.
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