Is Ubuntu 22.04 stable enough to be used on a laptop I use for school?

Any particular reason why you want 22.04 instead of 21.10?


It's not LTS so I would have to upgrade soon and I never had a positive experience with dist-upgrade. Something always broke.

And I'm guessing 21.04 is too old? If you really want more up to date software I honestly wouldn't go for Ubuntu in the first place. If stability is more important just stick with 21.04 or 21.10. A beta could give you more headaches than dist-upgrade if you're unlucky.

It's not that it's old. It's that it's gonna stop getting updates soon and I don't want to update it or reinstall it to the LTS in a few months

@matrix If we were closer to 22.04 release date, I'd say go for it. But we're not even half way there... What I'd do, install either 21.04/21.10, then dist-upgrade or reinstall in may/june, when I'm sure any possible 22.04 launch bugs have been dealt with.

In any case, Ubuntu is a pain with it's releases. I definitely don't miss it.

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