crying mask: THIS IS WORSE THAN 9/11
>smiling mask: heh, we've finally got you trumptards. Your movement is OVER
>>crying mask: why do so many people still like him?! He LOST! More people showed up for this protest than ever showed up to a Biden campaign stop!

they're not simple folk. They've got layers.
@matrix I don't know how people buy that the "I own an AR-15 to overthrow a tyrannical government" - right walking around the capital unarmed was an attempted coup. You'd have to have so few braincells it'd be a miracle they were able to breath

@matrix The part that most people don’t understand is that the reason they said “you won’t stand a chance against the government” is exactly because of their overreaction to any attempt from the right to overthrow their communist government. They will make sure to make it look as malevolent as necessary to get the approval of the TV Zombies and other NPCs around the country.

@matrix More people died in the tranny phantom shooting than that shitshow.

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