@yangwenli Yeah, I really want a big NAS so I could have a nice Jellyfin library

@matrix I host it with a rpi from home so I can watch in hotels

@yangwenli I couldn't do that with my upload speed without transcoding plus I want general file storage too. The flexibility of it is awesome though.

@matrix ah, I have gigabyte speed where I live but thats obviously not an option for everyone

@matrix some of these are necessary evils. Servers have to be paid for somehow. Some of these are just good for convenience too, for instance I pay monthly for music because it's much more cost effective than buying every album that comes out that I want to listen to.

But then you have Nintendo Online that only gets a pass because it's really cheap. $20/year isn't too bad, but you do get what you pay for lol. NSO sucks cock.

You can't really expect someone to pay for all of this though, especially all of the individual movie/TV show services, so that's why piracy is just fine :meru_tea:

@matrix the worst offender here is probably Adobe, the fact you HAVE to pay monthly for their products instead of being able to just buy them like you used to be able to do is really shitty. They aren't hosting live services or anything, they're just relatively small software bundles. Fuck Adobe, there's a reason everyone just pirates their shit unless they get it for free or a huge discount from their work or school.

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