@matrix the guy with the swastika needs a CIA badge. Otherwise it's pretty accurate.
yeah CIA is notoriously white nationalist. fuckin retard
dont care about that, basic heuristic is that whoever America is giving billions of dollars to is probably the bad guy
@PropaneSummer88 @matrix and so you don't see how somebody in the dissident right supporting Ukraine is somewhat anachronistic and possibly astroturfed?

@PonyPanda Cool, I don't care and I think you are a retard if you think
a) there are no Nazis in Ukraine
b) you are shocked that the US would fund a proxy group
c) you think this is some ultra reveal
d) you think that Russia is there to denazify Ukraine
e) only US pulls psyops

@matrix you believe the holocaust happened. You are a retard.

@PonyPanda You are a retard for thinking an event can't be real when it is taken advantage of for financial/political/personal gain.

"It didn't happen but I wish it did" :soyjak_bugman:

@matrix@gameliberty.club @PonyPanda@freespeechextremist.com Azov Battalion may technically have "neo-nazis" but that's like borderline an aesthetic that some nationalists use at this point. They're not "more extreme" than the Russian nationalists they fight. I don't agree with referencing the Nazi regime but we should judge groups by what they support de-facto and not symbols and labels.

They have openly Jewish members and Jews that defend them.

@PonyPanda @matrix
Nah, the Swastika guy needs a kippah though. Literally pictures of these Ukie "Nazis" touching the Wailing Wall in Israel, with mentioned kippah on.
@WhiteTemplar @PonyPanda @matrix yup, the more i read up on this, the more im guessing that the majority of old skinhead groups must have been the same.
fucking jew instigated controlled opposition.
make the "neo nazi" look like a monster in the eyes of the masses.
What to call them?
@AidanTTIerian @Some_German_Guy @matrix @WhiteTemplar I go with Azog because it's the one I'd heard first and it really does insult it's stans. I imagine there are some speds who will point to operation paperclip and Klaus Barbie and think that CIA + Nazis = cool and it just makes me sick tbh.
@matrix its more wild when you include the monarchists and the cukt of mithras

@matrix what is the difference between guy in the middle to the left and guy in the middle to the right?

@don fascism is just an all encompassing totalitarian state while nazism adds an ethnic component to it + esoteric bs

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