@vriska @moth_ball @Moon Literally nobody argues that (hopefully, internet always surprises).
They are usually arguing that intersex is a developmental conditions, not a new sex or some spectrum.
@vriska @moth_ball @Moon
Ok, those are complete retards
@vriska @matrix @moth_ball @Moon
Statistically inpropable, that you just happen to be one, while arguing about it...
But yeah, in the insignificant chance that you're not lying, I get you. That has to suck a lot.
But can you blame them after the huge vomit of bunnygenders etc?
@dhfir @aceattorneybot @matrix @vriska @Moon @moth_ball
You made me into some kind of fan girl?
@LukeAlmighty @matrix @moth_ball @Moon well, firstly I'm not arguing, secondly it's much more probable that I'd have a strong opinion about such things after having almost every single aspect of my life affected and often harmed by it. It's a really shit condition. I can't ever have kids.
@vriska @matrix @moth_ball @Moon
What condition is it, if you don't mind me asking?
I am seriously not trying to be an asshole. It does sound interesting to at least hear out properly.
@LukeAlmighty @matrix @moth_ball @Moon I would honestly prefer not to discuss too many exact details about it. It's something I've been so ashamed of my whole life that I wasn't even open about having it until about six months ago. Having male and female puberty does a number on you psychologically lmao
@dhfir @LukeAlmighty @matrix @Moon @moth_ball It was more just generally last year. Only about six people knew until 2022
@vriska @matrix @moth_ball @Moon
Sure. Your life won't improve by me knowing, and I guess things don't get more personal then that.
@matrix @moth_ball @Moon I am intersex and people have told me to my face that my medical condition isn't real