
When the Chinese don't eat animals they fuck them :lul:

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@beardalaxy @k1tteh Why would he have his foreskin back if he was not erect?

@matrix @k1tteh i don't get it...? doesn't look like he has foreskin to me. maybe the cat ate it off originally.

@beardalaxy @matrix how have you never seen a dick with the foreskin peeled back, are you jewish or something?

@k1tteh @beardalaxy I dunno, I think he's erect and the angle is making his small dick even smaller.

Personally, having my foreskin back when not erect feels weird.

@k1tteh @beardalaxy Like trying to jerk off like this would hurt because my dick wouldn't fit.

@k1tteh @matrix I don't have a foreskin because I'm American and America is jewy

@matrix why is he being treated for rabies and tetanus....? Was this some random stray cat or does his cat at home ACTUALLY HAVE RABIES?

Yes that is the most pressing question on my mind.

@beardalaxy @matrix I found that tidbit strange as well. Usually you get rabies shot for animals you don’t know their health conditions.

@matrix Japs didn't rape correct them hard enough
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