@matrix TKL + mechanical numpad to the right of the mouse for easier access and improved ergonomics gang

@r000t @matrix @r000t @matrix
Ergonomics autists are a plague on computer peripheries. Making things less usable for their hypothetical health.
@matrix Insisting on having a numpad that you never use permanently attached to all your keyboards sounds like the mental disorder.
@Zettour @matrix Because I don't work as a data entry clerk?
@grey @Zettour @matrix the correct answer is "because you don't play enough Caves of Qud", and that's fixable.
@grey @matrix If you are dealing with numbers or math at all, a numpad is basically nessecary. a sequential, horizontal orientation of numbers makes no sense unless you are using them very rarely. They're also decent for hotkeys, but arguably a numpad is even better for that.

@kuon @matrix @grey before I got my new mouse with 6 buttons on the side I used the numpad for hotkeys, very nice. I still use it for typing numbers though when doing math stuff and the symbol buttons over there i also use for camera control in pso2.

Many people say that losing the numpad offers more mouse space, but I say all you need is higher sensitivity. I don't even use all the space I currently have for my mouse.

@matrix @grey @matrix
Why don't you use it? Even I didn't type with it for whatever reason it would be a perfect place for macos.
@matrix I agree with all of those except TKL, I never use the stupid numpad.

I'm guessing the only people who need numpad are 3D graphics designers (e.g. for setting views in Blender).
@book @matrix But the numpad takes up space where your mouse could be.
@matrix @ademan @matrix
There's hope still.
Just buy a numpad for like $10 and put it on your desk
@matrix I don’t care if I never use the numpad, I will not be jewed out of my rightful keys

@TeaTootler @matrix I did the oldest one I could find. I feel like they’ve been around for 10+ years at least, but maybe not. That one was 2005, this one’s modern-ish

TBH they might be pretty sweet if you had good switches in them.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @matrix The last thinkpad before they switched to the shitty chiclet one was a T420 from around 2012
@matrix Been using a Logitech K120 for well over a decade. You know what I did when it started to break down? Gave it a break and bought a second one. I'm stubborn about upgrading to 'newer' and 'compact' shit. Wireless is almost always garbage, fuck wireless niggerdry, muh bootoof, and new model shit is always magnitudes worse with every successive release.
Stick with the classics.
@l0ngyap @matrix
yeah but using dc(1) with the numpad or simply filling in numbers somewhere with the numpad is better
@matrix should be

>actual ages
kids: full-sized keyboard
adults: some kind of 'optimized' or ergonomic keyboard
mid-life crisis: the moonlander, a keyboard that folds like origami
old age: three different mice surrounding any keyboard

>mental disorders
as pictured
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