@PhenomX6 Thankfully I've missed this. The zoomer far right is just as insufferable as their left wing counterparts

@matrix yeah this was after the parade thing and it got him so much blowback because it's literally an "autistic retard" view on life. Like what Adam lanza had for example.
@sandy @PhenomX6 @matrix Yeah, he was a Black Hebrew Israelite. That's just how unhinged groypers are, even among the far-right.
@sandy @PhenomX6 @matrix Mind you Nick and his followers also claim to be Christian, so the fact that the attack was on a parade celebrating their alleged faith is another layer of yikes.
@matrix I don't find any identity for Stonetoss. Who is she really? Has he said how far their relationship went? whether they are a couple?

@Bobetap It's just a joke. This is just some girl from a podcast.

@Bobetap @matrix Years ago I messaged stonetoss and they responded. I was desperately trying to warn them that Shadman was a niggerlover and anti white and pro race mixing. I think they asked for proof and I was like HIS DRAWINGS!!!!! :crying_soyjak:

I had no idea she was black or a she lmao

@Jazzy_Butts > I had no idea she was black or a she lmao
Unlikely he is.
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