
Heh, women

@critical @matrix shooter was her ex, the other guy was her current fiance
@matrix @critical but i thought euros didn't have guns :blobcatgoogly:

also rip how sad :blobcatfrowning:
@icedquinn @critical @matrix Either gun control doesn't work or this is a Jewish psyop. Your pick.

>Didn't shoot the woman

Oh God you know it's gonna bother her forever

>OMG I wasn't important enough to shoot, that's so sexist

@matrix I feel so bad for her, I can't laugh at shit like this. Shit's going to weigh on her for life.

@beardalaxy @matrix I mean, women are usually attracted to the absolute worst of society. She kind of brought it on herself.

@sjw @matrix so, because she broke up with a mentally unstable dude she deserves this or something? I know the meme is that all women are horrible people or something, but nobody deserves this.

@beardalaxy @sjw She didn't deserve to have her fiancee taken from her. I meant the joke simply that women yell so much that it makes you kill yourself. Not that it's her fault, it's not always obvious the dude is an insane piece of shit.

@matrix You'd think she'd at least be smart enough to run for her life.
@matrix Imagine being such a simp you decide to kill yourself and some other guy over a girl
@matrix finally getting a gf just to then getting shot in the head to some fucking dickhead ex
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