I hope we don't get stranded somewhere in Italy on our way home last year.
The car is now showing an electronic parking break issue when started.

We made to our hotel and the car seems fine, huh?

And the battery is to be dead even though it never showed low battery voltage...

We got it jumpstarted and drove home without turning off the engine since we could make it on home on the full tank of gas we had...

Except we didn't make it and the car shat the bed in a traffic jam few meters across the Czech border.

It's still there btw waiting for a tow truck with my dad

No clue what's wrong with the car but imo it's just that the battery was on it's last legs and now is toast and the alternator doesn't provide enough power when idling to keep the car alive.

@matrix just replace the battery. (If you cannot for some reason, you can likely make do for a while by keeping it on a charger while the car is parked.)
Charging the battery is a burden to the charging system. It isn't necessarily always strong enough to charge a broken or discharged battery *and* keep the car running at the same time. Especially if you use a lot of extra power through lights or indicators while idling at a traffic light.

@juliangro too late :pepeLaugh2:
I was saying to replace the battery from start and was ignored :feelsbadman:


@juliangro it's mostlikely not the battery, the guy from the tow truck tried to jump start it so he could release the brake and the car didn't even tried to start, it's completely dead, there's probably some electrical fault

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@matrix @juliangro nothing from the OBD2 port? Fuses good?

Hopefully the ECU or something didn't fry itself

@Pawlicker @juliangro
No clue, I wasn't there and we're all car retards here. We'll see what the repair shop discovers.

@matrix that doesn't necessarily mean that the battery isn't the problem. If he didn't disconnect the battery, that battery might have drawn too much power.
Also most modern cars won't even try to start if the voltage is too low. On my old Ford you would hear constant clicking, but it wouldn't even try to crank.
Our VW wouldn't even start when connected to a running car with a full battery while the old battery was still connected.

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