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lois uses meg as a reason to support abortion. everyone is horrified. lois doesn't feel remorse

Carter gives a detailed explanation on why futanari x female is the straightest type of hentai

Quagmire lists the top 5 public places to discretely lick women

Carter is a a pastor and prophet of "The Church of Racism"

Chris lists his top five favorite glass objects to shove up his ass

carter explains that burning furries at the stake is mega based

Carter gives 10 reasons why a massive dysentery outbreak would be great for America

Peter finds a brand called Knicker. He hates it and says "I fucking hate knickers!". Cleveland overhears it and beats peter to death

Carter recites am epic poem with a stereotype for every race all in one breath

Carter explains to Cleveland why you never see a black Easter bunny

Tom and Diane do a segment on crack, and call in local crack smoker peter griffin to teach them how to smoke crack live on air

everyone is nutting uncontrollably because chris is talking about his least favorite races

carter begs mort to seal his asshole shut so that the gay liberals can't fuck him

Peter had an experimental medicine shot into his leg to let his knee grow

Mort lists the top 5 ways to get free money from the government

Peter explains the benefits of placing glass bottles of water in the freezer to Chris

Cleveland lists 5 reasons why he is devoting his life to killing whitey

Chris sings praises to his new discovered heroes Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold and their revolutionary acts

Chris has a psychotic episode and thinks hes the living embodiement of Filthy Frank

Jesus adds a 12th commandment "Rosa Parks should move on back"

Lois offers Peter to join a swingers club, Peter calls her a whore and files for divorce. :gigaChad:


Peter, Quagmire and Cleveland argue who's the best girl in Neon Genesis Evangelion

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Peter finds out that Chris has a deviant art fetish account

Chris can only respond with “Get it out of my ass!” While Peter lists things that he has found in Chris’s ass

News: Tricia shares her recipe for making her favorite dogmeat dish called "Poodle n Noodles"

Everyone begs ai_peter to shut down the stream. The pain is becoming too much.

News: Peter breaks his own neck attempting to perform autofellatio

Mort uses all of the jews' foreskin to make the foreskinator

News: Diane watches in horror as Tom begins to show off and describe all his furry porn that he commissioned to the viewers live on air

Stewie mistakes Chris' cum jar for baby milk and drinks it

Peter beheads Chris after watching Chris jerking off to my little pony porn

Jesus tells the biblical story of David killing 200 Philistines and stealing their foreskin

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