See and I'm not built to deal with double standards. I need a single unified ruleset. And that makes people very very angry because it means they have to actually say their biases out loud.

@r000t @matrix context matters, he may just simply think that blacks getting shot by cops rose to the level of riot-worthy, but an immigrant killing little kids doesn't.

The government, or an agent of the government, doing the killing makes riots slightly more logical, but only against government buildings.

@Humpleupagus @matrix @r000t it's fair if you agree or disagree with them, just trying to say that context could matter if someone thinks one is okay and the other is not
I agree context could matter, but my understanding of the gf and similar riots isn't that the grievance is about government agents being the direct, proximate cause of the death, but rather that there is a general government / societal policy that caused the outcome(s). When viewed in that context, the event in Dublin is on a far more equal footing.

@Moon @r000t Yeah, he probably buys into the narrative that cops go around shooting black people so it's large problem vs random rare stabbing

@matrix @Moon @r000t >random rare
I'm sure it happens a lot in the UK/Europe and people are pent up with anger about it, especially when many protesters against it are controlled opposition
So the context is that he is a jewish pedo got it
It's a perspective, regardless of context given.

> double think
@Johnny5iveAlive @matrix @r000t I happen to think it's the exact opposite, most people rioting in the USA last summer just wanted to loot, and I suspect right or wrong these people in ireland are smashing shit because they're actually mad
I think it is unwise to discount perspectives.
Humans are not math. Emotions are non linear. People can be guided and directed to conduct in a myriad of behaviors, all that will depend on their individual perspectives regardless of the context, or actuality. That's all i'm saying.
What's this? The exact same thing with role reversal proving me a tard?

@matrix >In a perfect world, cops wouldn't be shooting my lord and savior Tyrone

Yeah, cause the boats never would have arrived
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