@matrix And gay, "explain it to me like I am $UNDER_AGE". That is pRedditor tier shit.

@matrix It's an interesting paradox since, as a system collapses, it's masked somewhat since it's strongest assets actually get *stronger*. The countryside in Japan going vacant while Tokyo expands, interest in the NFL growing while other sports live hand-to-mouth, enrollment at state universities setting records while private colleges shut down, etc. "Many such cases".

An overview: edition.cnn.com/2023/07/27/asi

They need to pioneer an economy that doesn't rely on growth. Their distaste for immigrants has pushed robotics to alleviate the labour shortage, but immigration is still the only solution to keep the existing economy functioning. Supporting the aged in a country that leads in longevity is going to be challenging.

The cold facts if nothing changes: static.financialsense.com/hist

@matrix internal population migration their countryaide is so fucking desolate that houses are being sold for dollars a pop

well fro what ive heard
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