Degrees of Lewdity has a watersports mod but it's several months behind vanilla :frierencrying:

Fuck it. Just reading the changelog makes the mod sound too good to pass up.

Let's make pissy loli while trying not to get pregnant. :LETSGO:

Body size - tiny
Breast sze - flat
Ass size - slender
Bladder size - small

It's roleplay time

I got a free chastity belt without going to the temple :pepeLaugh2:

POMFPOMF wanna stay
and play the pop up pirate game?
STOP STOP touching me
it's making me feel all funny
NII CHAN I love you
but please stop smelling my pantsu
Yay yay! play with me
ah ah you make me happy


@coldacid great erotic roleplaying game, highly recommend it

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