@coldacid Degrees of Lewdity Watersports mod
@coldacid great erotic roleplaying game, highly recommend it
People didn't let me work until I was 18 fucking anyway, so if the game contains work, it is an adult person.
End of a story.
Told ya
The beautiful magic of "not sure if bug or based".
@LukeAlmighty definitely not a bug
@matrix you're a monster
@matrix if you can get him back that's great
@beardalaxy I'm not sure if I can finance it though. Plus I wanna focus mainly on Alex.
@matrix This was an extremely disturbing and confusing thread, then I worked out it’s a game… now it’s only disturbing
@NanoSector How isn't that clear immediately?
Just found out Vrelnir cucked and v0.4 is rewriting dialog to remove the age ambiguity
Nothing major, just doesn't make sense for "young adult" to live in a orphanage, have a science class and buy a fake ID.