@beardalaxy My guess is it's gonna lacks shadows, run at 540p, have very low render distance and still stutter in Rataj.


@ShtPoastAnon @beardalaxy Sure, but KCD is coming out this March on Switch

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@matrix @ShtPoastAnon you know what else comes out in march on switch? the classic star wars battlefront collection. seems really cool! i wish we could get a similar thing on PC because i do NOT want to play that on a switch with my shitty joycons lol.

@matrix @ShtPoastAnon huh, it is available for PC, but it's a whopping $35 and $28 for me because i own BF2. that's a steep price considering it doesn't add much. the servers are probably gonna' be split, too. the only reason i was thinking of getting it was to play on some nice populated servers but uhhhhh idk about paying $28 for that chief. i already own the damn game.

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