
It's just early March and I went outside in a fucking T-Shirt.
The weather is completely fucked

@beardalaxy It used to snow in march her too when I was a kid.
The weather is nice, I don't like cold, but I'm worried if it means a there's gonna be cold snap killing blooming trees etc or if summer is going to be insanely hot, or both

@matrix Apparently in Europe the record-breaking days for February would have still been record-breaking days if that had happened in parts of March.

@sjw It's not normal here. One doesn't realize it, or at least I tend to forget, that the US is placed much more south than Europe. St. Louis for example is at a similar parallel as south Italy and I'm about at the same parallel as Vancouver, maybe closer to the border

@matrix yeah I'm aware. Ocean and air currents play a role too.

The US also has weather that's much colder than anything Europe gets.

People don't realise just how big the US is compared to Europe as well.
@0 @matrix Finland doesn't exist. It's just a Japanese conspiracy.
@sjw @matrix

Well, they're both laughing at me now.
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