I just think, that the colorblind experiment was officially declared death with refusal of "all lives matter"

@LukeAlmighty yeah, colorblindness is the ideal but all the parties must abide by it

@matrix @LukeAlmighty Is it actually the ideal though? Let's pretend for a second that everyone does play by the rules, what do we get from each race?

From blacks we would still get jack shit as they have never invented anything, besides new ways to commit crime.

From East Asians, the Japanese are basically doing all the heavy lifting, but they are Honorary so they don't even count as East Asian. Chinese give us cheap construction of goods, Jungle Asians give us some spices that we've had access to for hundreds of years. Overall, very low value from East Asians.

Arabs don't benefit us at all.

Indians try to scam your grandma.

And jews are actively trying to make you extinct.

There is no real benefit for the White man to be colorblind because other races have nothing to give besides their cuisine.

@WhitestTemplar @LukeAlmighty Yes, because you can select those that don't have negative qualities while having positive qualities, allowing for greater innovation.
The problem is that everyone has to be colorblind for it to work

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