
She slept around so hard it changed the course of American politics and media

She slept around enough to get in front of the UN.

That is some acomplishment.

@newt @LukeAlmighty @matrix She lost an election that was practically handed to her, triggered by the first slut. Pathetic.
@LukeAlmighty @matrix even so, its hard to believe someone stuck their dick in that.
@anemone @matrix you know you could have just put an emoji laughing react on the op rather than making a whole new post
@anemone @matrix @butterbutt @cajax hey can you guys stop arguing about this it's clogging up the ActivityPipes
@lain @anemone @butterbutt @cajax @matrix should have went with ActivityTrucks instead, once one gets full you can call in another and continue dumping things in
@butterbutt @cajax @anemone @matrix I just really can’t imagine her nudes are worth seeing.
@matrix Now that the dust has settled...

How tight do you think she was? Like... how good had to it have been to turn a 1/10 to GotY? 🤔

@Marshall1Banana she's an art hoe so probably crazy girls fuck better applies here

@verita84_automata @matrix @GrungeQueef

Yes please. As long as she's only slept with White guys, I'd possibly hit it.
@peemasons @MeBigbrain @MaleGoddess @verita84_automata @matrix I find them to be too soggy from all the fat. I prefer to make my own with my own perfect lean to fat ratio beef blend.
@freddie_the_fed @verita84_automata @GrungeQueef @matrix
I said I'd hit it, not take her out on a date.
Well, I'd probably take her to 5 guys, and then pull out my expired debit card, forcing her to pay.
@Wiz @matrix Interesting, this whole course of events sent more than 95% of us down a rabbit hole that led us to Nazi ideology. The Daily Stormer was big in the early days of GamerGate and showed the relation between jew and feminism, anti-White hatred, critical theory, and modern artistic expression - all things which were ruining society and video games at the time.
@MaleGoddess @Wiz @matrix the jews overplayed their hand - Nazism went from meh to the cool new thing in the literal blink of an eye
I jumped in at Amazing Atheist in 2015. Someone passed me one of his vids, where he was excoriating the SJWs (a term I barely understood but saw bandied about for a couple years). This led me through the Skeptics, then the Trump Train, then to NatSoc. Incredible journey is such a short time.
@Dagnar @matrix @Wiz @MaleGoddess Interestingly enough I heard about Daily Stormer in 2013 when I first noticed this feminism shit popping up practically overnight and decided to investigate. A lot of WN forums like Stormfront and VNN were quick to notice and tied that and a lot of the gay shit to the jews. All of them were also mentioning "a new site" called Daily Stormer and linking the shit out of it. I was not NatSoc and didn't question the Holohoax, I was mostly just interested in the science of race at the time. /pol/ started linking to DailyStormer a year and a half later as GamerGate was going into full swing.
Yeah, I was Big Tent America up until about 2017. I'm 57 now, never voted because I knew the government was shit, but because I thought Trump was an actual rebel and not a scripted WWE Bad Guy, I broke my streak and voted for him. I've known NatSoc for ages, considering I started /pol/ around 2009. I just never was any sort of politically involved because I was too blackpilled on it all. It also helps to keep in mind I remember Stormfront getting raided and becoming a skinsuit, Ruby Ridge and Waco leaving a metallic taste towards any sort of White nationalism. When Daily Stormer came along, I was sure it was just another glowie op, as I am fairly certain so is Blood Tribe.
@Dagnar @matrix @Wiz @MaleGoddess The feminism SJW anti-male anti-White shit during Obama's 2nd Term pissed me off and made me not want to be part of the mainstream Left. I was then libertarian for a couple of short years until the Alt-Right became a thing and the rest is history.
criticizing billionaires? you must be a soyjak!
my fellow working class bros.
@kevinparaguay @matrix @GrungeQueef

"While anti-Semites are busy pursuing the little Jews, the big villains of all races who run international finance are sitting back and laughing at them in the City, or Wall Street, or in kindred haunts of the usury species. How many of them were ever caught by the Nazis ? On the contrary, the error of some Nazis played right into their hands, and gave them the weapons to defeat the European renaissance in every country. Now comes again, in a newer and higher form, the renaissance of the European man; this time not to lose, but to win."

- Oswald Mosley
mosley was one of the brits who stabbed germany in the back. dude was tommy robinson from 80 years ago
@GrungeQueef @matrix

That Enron guy that wrote the Zoe post was a total cuck as well, and I bet he learned nothing from the experience.
@GrungeQueef @matrix One of the worst things about Zoe is that just looking at her makes me feel like her skin would be clammy and smelly in a bad way. She just seems like a really gross woman.
@Eiswald @matrix >just looking at her makes me feel like her skin would be clammy and smelly in a bad way

Bad genes. The brain is wired for eugenics.
@GrungeQueef @Eiswald @matrix >Her favorite videogame is Commander Keen
No one tell that stupid bitch about that one secret Doom level
@GrungeQueef @matrix >had you not committed such grave sins, God would not have delivered a punishment like us upon you
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