
You will buy an 8GB card in 2025 and you will like it

@matrix who knew GPU vram would stagnate like lcd resolution but even better who knew that PC devs would forget optimization

@PurpCat @matrix but we added dlss3, that's good enough optimization right? frame time stutters? what's that?

@matrix I don't buy GPUs that don't work without proprietary software.
@matrix "B-b-but I just want to play Space Invaders Remastered"

"Ok, that'll be a 12 GB card then."
@special-boy @matrix
the sad thing is that the high end incel arc cards are actually good value

GDDR7 comes in 24Gb module versions so other than cost-saving there's no design reason why we can't naturally have 50% more VRAM than the last generation cards. We should be seeing natural 12GB entry level cards if they were already built for 4 memory chips anyways. But trust Nvidia to not take advantage of this while Battlemage and RDNA 4 still sticks with GDDR6 for another two years.

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