If jews are white, so are most asians.

Oh wait, I better not say that, because lots of people on our side unironically believe that!
@cowanon @matrix Just @RealRaul. Though we are more closely related to East Asians than niggers. And the Aryans may have went through that part of the world and put a bit of themselves in the locals so they may actually be a little "Aryan." Though probably not much. None of the recessive traits of Aryans seem to have manifested in East Asians.
Isn't there an indigenous race of Japanese that look exactly like blue-eyed Germanic people, that the more slanty-eyed came in and took over?
@cowanon @matrix This is a reconstruction of the oldest bones I believe. Looks pretty European. The current existing "Native" Japanese, the Ainu, also look pretty European, though I am sure even the so called "purebloods" mixed with those Koreans in their ancient past, but you can still see the dominate European or Aryan facial structure.
Interesting. Alongside other things I keep seeing pop up, like how there's bones for what look exactly like white people being found in the americas long before "native" americans arrived... maybe we wuz kangz?
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