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@LukeAlmighty The reason he uses it as an example is because many people were unnecessarily pessimistic in their predictions. The line of reasoning between "let's lockdown temporarily" to "let's make it permanent" wasn't well articulated.

@LukeAlmighty I'm pretty sure the amount of people actively refusing vaccines was fairly small. The reason mandatory vaccination was dropped imo was because the vaccine wasn't as effective at reducing spread as originally thought and Covid mutated and got milder.

@LukeAlmighty He was quite against the lockdowns when they were going on.
He might be giving a bit extreme positions but both of them very popular with a significant chunk of the right.

Fuck you, I'm not installing some shitty DRM and a closed source DLL from some rando on a forum on my main install.

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Fuck, I have to use their viewer and rip the files from it

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sissy transgender interracial suck dick be a real girl nigger cuck hypnosis brainwashing
@sun 4tb gone i have nothing to masturbate to now

You can still buy stuff on DLSite internationally :pogchamp:
You just have to buy points on

"I deleted keys generated by our TV for 5 straight minutes. 5 Minutes of like 200BPM clicking. I restarted. Everything worked again. I laughed so hard I cried. I felt like I'd solved a murder."


The title is, "DO NOT BUY HISENSE TV'S"
#Tech #Android #TV #Debug

The rust language is fast
The compiler is slow
The compiler is written in rust
Therefore, rust is slow

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