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@BlinkRape @zero In my experience it isn't great. It occasionally misses something, but more often, is detected by the website. uBlock Origin is simply the best at blocking both ads and adblock detectors.

If you don't want a resurgence of fascism then don't create intolerable conditions as the status quo you fucking idiots.

@fyw321 I'm not aware of many with Europeans but there's a lot of games with Americans fighting Russians or Soviets.
Singularity, several Call Of Duties, Battlefield 2142 sorta, World in Conflict, Arma 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, Operation Flashpoint, Freedom Fighters

Watch with us today at 19:00UTC. Check time for you

Event Horizon (1997)

English, Latin with English subtitle

A rescue crew is tasked with investigating the mysterious reappearance of a spaceship that had been lost for seven years.


there's studies that hugging robots has the same effect as hugging other humans btw

@Tsuki @hellhammer666 Fuck I forgot to download it. Absolute peak image though

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.