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k eep taking your medication because that's how the CIA targets unwashed CHILDREN for ACCELERATED SLAVERY you fucking QUEER

Low level programming is starting in hour and a half.

I think that might have suspended my instance.

C is the best language because it keeps out STUPID FAGGOTS who can't fucking visualize the memory layout,

did you crash? then FUCK YOU, also if you call it a segfault you're a fucking UNIX WEENIE, KILL YOURSELF

To be a SysAdmin all you gotta do is this:

- Read the documentation
- Yell "FUCK" at computer
- Copy and paste

I've been doing this for over three years trust me.

Can you use one Elastic Search server for more instances?

Youtube is now taking down any videos with "CP" in the title or description. :omegalul:

So I got Misskey running. It's currently on a temporary VPS and on a domain
If you guys want me to make it permanent. I can set it up on a proper VPS and maybe with a better domain.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.