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manga be like "let's put page numbers whenever we feel like it"

MNNH values your online privacy. That's why we only share your data with 6781 carefully selected partners, to improve your experience on our website.

this has been weighing on me very heavily and it's actually affected my irl life and relationships because of stress and everything involved with trying to balance this.

a lot of users have contributed much, much more than they should have to and I feel bad. but we are still so far away from the goal. I have the option to convert them back to monthly bills, we lose the nearly 30% discount for the yearly commit on transit and bite the bullet and go back to not knowing month-to-month if everything is covered, or I move a bunch of my own crypto into XMR and sell some to cover the rest of the bills.

so I guess I'm going to move crypto and hope for the best. thanks for everybody who contibuted what they could, half of them are due today and the other half in a couple days with a couple due at the end of the month, so I will start taking care of those tomorrow.

thanks for being here friends,
thick and thin we will figure it out together

VERY cool, so glad our corporate overlords have made research on some topics impossible in their systems.
Mint is doing a video tour of the USS Hornet and actually interacting with a 3DPD dude who is leading the tour and answering her questions and bantering
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.