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Saturday ice update - #Arctic sea ice extent is currently the *lowest* on record (JAXA data)

• about 790,000 km² below the 2010s mean
• about 1,450,000 km² below the 2000s mean
• about 2,040,000 km² below the 1990s mean
• about 2,430,000 km² below the 1980s mean


Lost in Translation (Short version) 

pyro and combine

You don't have to rub it in you know

@matrix they never turn on their white side to realize how retarded they are

It's a far right conspiracy theory
Yes it's happening
And it's a good thing

In a single article

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He's actually gonna do it. What an absolute mad lad

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my naked wife and I are going to church

Even though stock ownership is simply market forces at play and is a great way to gather large investments, spiritually it is socialist and it dilutes the customer and seller relationship.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.