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proprietary video game fucking ADDICTS, MAKE EXCUSES, all of the GOOD GAMES are FREE you fucking NIGGERS

"I can hear it cracking!"
Last thing said inside Hyperloop's maiden voyage.

"Do not DM me unless it's truly private matter and you're instance's admin or you risk your DM to be reposted publicly."

@âwaifu@â The czech translation of The Witcher was the first day of the worlds issues and will only cause more issues.

I follow Sam Hocevar's philosophy

>But profanity is offensive!

You know what? Fuck your stance on profanity. Fuck your priorities in life. The WTFPL is about fucking freedom and we mean it. Freedom means freedom to copy and modify and share works of art and science with the rest of mankind, but also freedom to be gay and marry and have crazy gay sex, freedom to have tattoos, freedom to say there is no God, freedom to take the pill, freedom to have an abortion. People die for being gay or atheists. Donât tell me that there is something sacred enough that it must be protected from the mere existence of the word âfuckâ. If the F in WTFPL offends you, then fuck you and your beliefs. Triple fuck you.
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While you were participating in orgies I studied the blade

Hey, y'all-- Facebook recently announced they're launching a "Patreon killer" service.

Regardless of your thoughts on Patreon, FB's alternative is TERRIBLE!

â ï¸ 30% gross revenue fee
â ï¸ Automatic LIFETIME IP rights to ANYTHING you put on the service
even if you quit!
â ï¸ FB wants to give discounts and freebies whenever they like, w/o creator approval, and then deduct it from creator revenue
â ï¸ FB will also control WHO sees your content and how many views you have

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.