@mguy3790 The ones I went to gave me the perception that they are all out of touch boomers who haven't had to find a retail job in years.

When I was a kid, one said I am too retarded to finish primary school.

When in Uni, I found out, another one believed in Tabulla rasa.

They are all retarded. You are better off talking to random people you meet on a train.

@mguy3790 I went to a therapist a decade ago to sort through some issues. Thought it could help.

I had noticed when I talked to him that he seemed to be "resistant" to some personal feelings I had when I got angry at someone. At that point I stopped seeing him because I did study a bit of psychology in the past and knew he was bullshitting.
@mguy3790 Two of my best friends have cult names now because of therapist brainwashing, and It had to be that because they were Christians with decent friend groups when I met them. I can't use either correct or "correct" pronouns and names without risk that they'll 41% themselves because of it, so now it's "ya'll" and "hey you."

Ted was right. Tree all therapists and back to cabin world.

@PorkCow @mguy3790

We have over a century of psychotherapy and people are crazier than before.

First thing we do is rid ourselves of all the psychologists and psychiatrists. They are blight, not medicine.

@amerika @PorkCow @mguy3790 the mentally ill were treated better before psychology. its why the mental hospital remains as one of the most horrifying themes out there

@Vril_Oreilly @mguy3790 @PorkCow

No one knows what to do with the seriously mentally ill.

Asylums seem kindest.

@amerika @mguy3790 @PorkCow
I know its not the most practical idea but they have communities in Europe specifically for the mentally ill that integrate them into the community and allow them to live actual happy lives.

But yes even asylums are preferable to now where we let our mentally ill be homeless and freeze to death in the streets

@Vril_Oreilly @mguy3790 @PorkCow

For some mental illnesses, sure.

Having cleaned up the damage from schizophrenics in the past... not for everyone.

Some simply need to be confined in order to protect the rest of us.

@amerika @PorkCow @mguy3790 Well yeah they needed a century of research to figure out how to induce insanity in people

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