Saw "Den sista resan (The Last Journey)". Had enough points on my cinema membership to get a free ticket.
Good movie. Not sure how worth seeing it would be for someone outside Sweden who's never heard of Filip & Fredrik.


Just dusted off my Wii U for a round of Splatoon. I've barely touched the thing since I got my Switch, and I never got Splatoon 2 or 3, so my skills were pretty damn rusty.
Figured I'd also start a replay of Wind Waker HD, while I was at it.

I'm up earlier than usual. Didn't want to miss Vasaloppet.

I have come up with a brilliant concept for a new ero anime.
Skibidi Onahole.

I was looking through my Amazon Japan purchase history.
In November 2014, almost a full decade ago, I bought some reusable plastic chopsticks. The brand is apparently called "Hasekin".
Anyway, these things LAST. The most damage that's happened in a little over 9 years of use is the tip of one chopstick (out of 20) breaking off.
These are good fucking plastic chopsticks. Five stars.

Just killed my previous Barrack record. It's incredible what actually sleeping properly at night can do for you.

Haven't written here in a while. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, belatedly.
I've been big on classic Macintosh emulation recently. Not in general an Apple fan, but the first computer I ever used was an old Macintosh and there's a lot of fond memories attached to that stuff.

In Swedish, a guided missile is called a "robot". World War III would therefore, by definition, be a robot apocalypse.

Playing Dragon Quest XI S. Completed the "Act 1" part of the game in 40 hours, and that's without searching every nook and cranny.
I think I'd generally prefer shorter RPG's. The previous one I completed was Mother 3, and that was, like, 30 hours start to finish.

Resumed Dragon Quest XI S after putting it aside for a year. Took me a little while to find the "railroad" again. Back to the grind.

I'm burning some stearin pillar candles for a cozy feeling during the winter months. One of the great things about stearin candles (compared to paraffin) is that they don't melt, even if you had them in a drawer all summer.

I love true facts that sound like shitposts. Here's one:
The Most Serene Republic of San Marino (population: less than 35,000) is the only country in Europe with an officially recognized Shinto shrine.

In Sweden, a mile is six times longer than in America.

COOL AMERICA FACTS: Sudoku puzzles were invented in America.

Went to the swimming pool and swimmed nonstop for 30 minutes. I think I had been sitting still too much. Too much pent-up energy.

Just saw Halloween (1978) at my local cinema. It's a good movie. I wouldn't say it's scary, per se, but there's some really good tension.

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