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I saw "Five Nights at Freddy's". I liked it.

I just got a Sodastream. I don't really like the flavor of plain carbonated water, so it's more for mixing with "saft" concentrate.

@beardalaxy Honestly, a remake of the whole trilogy in the Link's Awakening HD engine could work. That style would probably be a better fit for Earthbound than it was for Link's Awakening.

@beardalaxy Given that it's been 17 years, and Nintendo has yet to lift a finger against the fan translation, it seems extremely unlikely. Not impossible, of course, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Haven't posted here in a while, have I?
I'm on the final chapter in Mother 3 now. Going OK even though I'm not grinding a lot or grabbing the optional super items.
Other game news: Mahjong Soul unveiled new skins for Chiori (best female) and Ryan (best male). They really want my money, huh?

Started playing Mother 3 a few days ago. Last night I was awake in bed all night playing it. I need momentum to prevent it from becoming part of the Backlog of Doom.

Saw The Nun 2 yesterday. The theater had a special promotion, half price on everything. Fun to watch films in a nearly full auditorium. Usually it's nearly empty.
I thought I was too much of a nervous pussy to watch horror films, but it wasn't a problem at all. Maybe I'd need stronger stuff than this to really rattle me.
Oh yeah, I didn't see the first one, but there was enough context to not lose me.

Saw "Avgrunden (The Abyss)" (2023) today. Hollywood-style disaster movie in Swedish. Rifts in the ground, rifts in a family, you get the drill. Well-made but maybe a bit too sentimental (but that's inherent to the genre).

Hear me out here for a second.
Lolis. Crossdressing in tailor-made tuxedos.

I was at the local Asian fast food restaurant the other day. They had run out of chopsticks. Do they really expect me to eat noodles with a fork and knife? I'm not a barbarian.

Revisited Deluxe Snake, an old freeware Snake variant I first played in, like, 2001 or 2002. Had to do some fiddling with Wine to get it to accept keyboard input.
The game gets really hectic when the mushroom generator appears.
Why are "steering controls" default? Does anyone actually play Snake that way? Eh, easy enough to change.

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