
Okay maybe it's just me having an international perspective BUT IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME

Time to make metric system 2.0 with fixed dependencies.


Why do you care? Nothing is stopping you from using the metric system every day.

@picandor Jokes on them I still can't tell how much a metre is without measuring tape despite being European.

@Bunn0241 about from the tip of your extended arm (t-pose please) to the opposite shoulder.
@picandor As a non-Usonian human, I think "finally"; but in a way, this is a win for globalism. Another local custom erased by an international standard. ...then again one might say acting like a Nigger savage sub-human is a local custom and here comes Whitey with his whole "civilisation" thingamajig that requires you to not be the absolute worst "you" you can be.
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