
@rasterman I regret to inform you it has become even worse

@picandor @Elfie Leftist women came up with this and wrote that article. This is too retarded to even come from the soy-rotten brain of a beta cuck.
@picandor @rasterman @Elfie >the Western gender binary
see those dogs fucking?
Colonialism, man.
@picandor @rasterman @Elfie Can we bring back the Aztecs? Got a lot of Sun God fodder on our hands.
@ArdanianRight @Elfie @picandor @rasterman Aztecs are losers and to pretend otherwise is to ignore reality as much as trannies.
@picandor @rasterman @Elfie Xicanx has been proven to lower the occurrence of exploding eyeball syndrome. Ask your doctor if Xicanx is right for you. Some side effects include excessive sweating, uncontrolled bleeding from the ears, fever, headache and skin rash. Xicanx should not be used by people with a history of being allergic to Xicanx.
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