@picandor not too surprised

A while back, the media really tried to hype cuckholdry and polyamory. Then "feminism" tried to hype several really bad shit. Then we got a bunch of male feminist to made it like it was very Feminist to get cucked like Anthony Burch. Obviously, did not end well of those

Polyamory, cuck and all that other shit only works if both are actually into it, anyone else is getting the short end of the stick and are being pushed into something that will just end up badly for them

@coolboymew @picandor
> Polyamory, cuck and all that other shit only works if both are actually into it,

There is no "both". Everyone in it has to be into it...

@picandor >surviving infidelity

what does this even mean?
@ehhh @picandor If words are violence, then your partner leaving you is like a gunshot wound.
(Having polys cry about "infidelity" per the overlap is chuckle worthy though) :lul:
@nobullyplz @picandor I've experienced first-hand that polyamory doesn't work.

People seem to think that you can just have sex with someone, no strings attached, and be chill the next day. Well, no, because humans have feelings, crushes, and are able to experience jealousy.

Polyamory could work if we're an asocial species where our offsprings do not require our constant care.
@ehhh @picandor @nobullyplz If a person needs to engage in orgies, there's something seriously wrong with them or their existing relationship. If you can't be satisified by the person you're with, being with ten isn't going to fill that void.
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