
I'm not sure who needs to hear this, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to make your life easier; that's the whole point of advancement — to make things suck less. Far too many people have this almost fetishistic thing about suffering through life. No, stop it. Be kind to yourself; the world won't be kind, so you have to be nice in its place.

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I just cannot rest, because my entire life, I've been trained to brute force through all issues, no matter if it's killing me.

@picandor ask anybody what they've been up to and they'll reply. I've been busy... why? at what? we should shame people for the, "look I'm a useful person around here" response.

Been dealing with this from a friend irl.... I'm beginning to feel disrespected and that's starting to burn my ass. 😐
Already stole this from n3f..gonna use it one of these days.
@VIcFury @picandor Oh I hate that especially. It's like the kind way for them to tell you to fuck off but not actually tell you so because that might burn a potential bridge they can use later.

@Lyle @picandor or their upset at something that didn't even register on your end and they can't be a enough of a person to talk to you about it.

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