
I feel like this video needs to be made more obvious because it's not that we don't care, it's that "they didn't tell us, so it can't really be that important right now."

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Oh, Dan is on his way to hospital?
Would you mind spending 2 hours talking to me over the phone, instead of helping to NOT DIE? I really need to know what color shoes is he wearing while he is bleeding out.

@picandor women do not understand men at all or the reason we do anything

BTW, while I seriously don't like most "women MRAs" because almost none of them offer any perspective or understanding, this girl is my favorite, since she truly offers something fresh.

@picandor Asking someone those types of questions when something serious happened is an imposition. If they need to tell you something, they will. Funny enough, the women that rage at men for not asking questions during the phone call, are the same exact women that rage about the "emotional labor" that's put on them. If anything is emotional labor its being peppered with questions when you have a loved one in the hospital. ​
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