@rasterman I can understand figurines, I cannot understand funkopops.
Fumos → acceptable
Anime figurines → yes
Funko Pops → oh shit nigger what are you doing?
Those troll things → okay what
Bratz dolls → sTOP THAT NOW!
@Wisconsin_Kraut @guttersessions a few years ago a buddy of mine was in a sailing race. The boat was named Sarah's memory, and he made a post before the event saying. "You always said we'd go sailing, I promised you we would. A promise is a promise."
Yes: "hey guys, I'll be stepping away for a while for health reasons, I've been kind of depressed and burnt out lately. There's still other admins and we're not in danger of shutting down.
Nigga wtf: "I want to feel the cold steel of a shotgun.".
@rasterman @ChristiJunior@neckbeard.xyz
@rasterman "people say bad things to me so I want to die." Nah man, live harder out of pure fucking spite. @ChristiJunior@neckbeard.xyz
>men do all the labourious and difficult, dirty jobs women don't want.
>live and work in far shittier conditions than women.
>told they're privileged and not because they're hardworking.
>"male privilege"
No, it's called our due rewards for being the PCs of society. We do all the work yet are somehow not supposed to get the credit for it? Lol
@coolboymew when I was in Mexico they had a little shack place that had Goku wearing a soccer jersey (Mexico, obviously) and instead of a massive spirit orb it was a huge fucking burrito. I can't remember the name for the life of me. The Virgin Mary was drawn like Bulma for some fucking reason.
@ChristiJunior@neckbeard.xyz Twilight Princess is just mindnumbingly slow. There's a difference between being long because you've got a shit ton of story to cover but it was just tedious. Half the time I was ilke "can I fucking skip this shit already?" @rasterman
@massiveracist@neckbeard.xyz it's hilarious, they went from "we wuz Kangz" to "we wuz raped n sheet" in not even 10 years. @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty
@mrsaturday Few things have radicalized me more than just seeing how they've strung up Kyle. @ChristiJunior @Secftblgirl @massiveracist@neckbeard.xyz
@mrsaturday "Sorry I had to move because I am in actual danger."
"That's nice but our lawyer Schlomo McFinkelsteinbergwitz insists that's still in violation of the terms." @ChristiJunior @Secftblgirl @massiveracist@neckbeard.xyz
@ArdanianRight the fact that a chubby kid with a gun and a medpack managed to make the lefties get this mad says an awful lot about White males. He went in with the intent to help people, he only carried the gun to defend himself. They struck first and he was like "aight, I ain't fuckin' around." @ChristiJunior @massiveracist@neckbeard.xyz
Frequently Drunk Homosexual Male. Fanfiction slut. Manly gay couple enjoyer. Super bigoted guy. Certified big guy™. Male supremacist. Kinda funny some days.